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A New Hope- Full-Time Comic Book Dealer

Hi all, Matt White here. I’m taking the risk and have left my corporate position. I decided it was time to focus more than just a few hours a week on my side hustle of selling comics books. I know this is a risk but somehow I have ended up with about 20,000 comics and perhaps one million cards so it is time to sell some.

I am not a professional blogger, which you can probably already tell. I also am not sure how often or how well my blogs will be received. For now I am just testing out writing blogs and setting up a blog page on my website. I will get better at this I promise.

In the meanwhile I will plan to highlight what new comics I have listed here along with any other comic news that I find interesting. I will then share my post on social media.

Please consider following me on social media and also subscribing to my e-mail list. I will provide discounts to people who buy directly from my e-commerce store instead of EBay and also will do my best to entertain and inform you.

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